Sex Addiction Treatment Midland, MI
Do you need help overcoming a sexual addiction?
Sexual addiction is a problem that cannot be successfully battled alone. Research indicates that traumatic past experiences are often at the core of addictive behavior. Addiction is a dysfunctional way of self-medicating and regulating mood, and support is essential if there is to be any hope of recovery. With the increasing accessibility of internet pornography and sexual hook-up/dating sites, sexual addiction is increasing at an alarming rate. Addiction is enslaving, and it affects the entire family system.
We have several Certified Sexual Addiction Therapists on our staff who are trained to treat sexual addicts and their partners, as well as provide effective couples counseling.
If you are unsure if sexual addiction is a problem for you, the following questions can help you determine if more assessment is needed through a counselor trained in sexual addiction therapy. The acronym PATHOS is used to describe the symptoms of sexual addiction.
Are you preoccupied with sexual thoughts?
Do you hide some of your sexual behavior from others?
Have you ever sought help for sexual behaviors you didn’t like?
Hurt others:
Has anyone been hurt emotionally because of your sexual behavior?
Out of control:
Do you feel controlled by your sexual desire?
When you engage in sexual activity, do you feel depressed afterwards?
What were your results?
If you responded yes to just one question it would indicate a need for additional assessment. Responding yes to two or more indicates the probability of an addictive problem.
The Science of How Porn Negatively Effects the Brain.
Good News, understanding the mechanism and how it affects you can help.

Call to schedule a meeting today.
(989) 832-0191