Individual Counseling, Midland MI
A you looking for help from a counselor?
We use a holistic approach to explore solutions from a cognitive, physical, emotional, and spiritual perspective.
Below is information that can help you to determine if you are struggling with an issue that may require counseling.
Struggling with Depression?
People who are depressed experience ongoing sadness, decreased energy and motivation, difficulty concentrating, problems with sleeping, and unhealthy eating habits. They may stop participating in routine activities, exhibit decreased productivity, take little pleasure in former interests, withdraw from friends and family, or have thoughts of death or suicide.
If any of this sounds familiar to you, we are available to talk about what you are feeling and how we can help you resolve underlying issues contributing to depression and restore hope for the future.
Dealing with Anxiety?
Anxiety disorders involve ongoing and uncontrolled feelings of tension, worry, intrusive thoughts, along with physical symptoms like increased blood pressure, heart rate, sweating, trembling, and dizziness. Living with anxiety can be disruptive to life, making even simple activities feel unmanageable.
Trauma is the underlying issue fueling most anxiety disorders. Our therapists are trained in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), an effective trauma treatment, to bring relief from the pain of anxiety.
Challenges in Relationships?
Relationships bring some of the greatest joys of our lives, as well as present some of life’s greatest challenges or hurts. In counseling we can explore unhealthy relational patterns and their root causes, as well as learn how to effectively communicate and resolve problems.
Working through Grief or Loss?
Grief is an emotional reaction to loss, whether it is through death, divorce, betrayal, unemployment, sickness or disaster. As loss is inevitable, so is grief. Grief can be intensely painful and is an experience that varies from person to person and from loss to loss.
Counseling to process through the loss can help to facilitate the peace and the acceptance necessary to make adjustments and reengage with one’s life.
Struggling with Sexually Addictive Behavior?
Addiction is a compulsive dependence on a substance or behavior. Several members of our therapeutic team have specialized training in the treatment of sex addiction and are Certified Sex Addiction Therapists (CSAT). We can assess problematic or compulsive sexual behaviors and provide outpatient treatment and groups for both addicts and partners.

Call to schedule a meeting today.
(989) 832-0191