EMDR Treatment for Trauma
Do past traumatic experiences still cause you pain?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is an extensively researched, effective psychotherapy method proven to help people recover from trauma and other distressing life experiences, including PTSD, anxiety, depression, and panic disorders.
“It’s kinder, it is a gentler way of dealing with trauma.”
– William Henry Petty, PHD
Victims Service Unit Houston Police Department
What is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Treatment?
Trauma is universal. The fact is, we live in a world where traumatic events such as abuse, neglect, rape, assault, betrayal, accidents, and disasters happen frequently. Trauma is at the heart of many mental and relational issues, such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) has been used to effectively treat trauma for the past 30 years.
EMDR is based on the theory that the brain’s processing system naturally moves towards mental health. If the system is blocked by the impact of a traumatic event, the emotional wound causes pain and suffering for the individual. Once the block is removed, natural healing can occur. More than 30 positive research studies have been done on EMDR, and it is recognized as an effective form of treatment for trauma by organizations such as the American Psychiatric Association, the World Health Organization, and the Department of Defense.
In EMDR, eye movements (or other bilateral stimulation) are used to process memory and disturbing feelings. Researchers believe that the effect of bilateral stimulation in EMDR is similar to brain processing that occurs during Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep. In successful EMDR therapy, the meaning of painful events is transformed on an emotional level. For example, the rape victim shifts from feeling horror and self-disgust to holding the belief, “I survived it and I am strong.” Our therapeutic team is trained in EMDR in order to effectively treat trauma.
Who can be helped by EMDR and how it works.
If you have experienced something horrible and developed psychological symptoms such as flash backs, fears, sadness, or sleep problems you may be helped by EMDR Therapy. Painful experiences are stored in the brain with powerful emotions, EMDR therapy can help alleviate of these feelings.
Understanding EMDR Video
This video gives a summary of EMDR, how it works, and examples of situations where EMDR would be very effective.

Call to schedule a meeting today.
(989) 832-0191